LinkedIn is one of the most recognised, go-to resources that people use to research and evaluate an individual’s expertise and potential added value. 

Whether we like it or not, most people now default to LinkedIn to find you. And yes, they expect you to be there in a professional capacity!

But it happens all too often that these LinkedIn searches – though they should be the beginning of something wonderful – actually stop your chances of being hired dead in their tracks. 

A poor professional profile can put a potential opportunity off in seconds. 

The worst part? You won’t ever know, because you’re not there in person to fill in those gaps. 

Despite these truths, in over 15 years of helping people on LinkedIn, I’ve never seen so many people continue to settle for (and live with) profiles that could be secretly sabotaging your career. 

Though I’m still trying to puzzle out why people do settle, Albert has some words of wisdom we’ll get to later.  

The truth of the matter is that it is so easy to change all this.

You can easily create an excellent LinkedIn profile that builds your credibility and professionalism, positioning you as a trusted advisor: an essential candidate. 

You know you will be researched. Why have a profile that’s a liability? 

If you’re on LinkedIn, you’re going to be viewed. If you’re viewed, you’ll be judged.

It sounds harsh, but it’s true. 

Statistics tell us that whether you’re being researched as a candidate, or as a service provider, people will only reach out once they have effectively already made a decision. 

The outreach portion of this process is simply them validating their choice to hire you, or engage your business. Their decisions are made almost entirely on the merit of your profile before you have had a conversation with them.

If your profile isn’t up to scratch, you are most likely missing out on opportunities. 

You will never know how close (or how far away!) you were from the mark. 

Whatever you have on LinkedIn right now is directly under your control. You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. This is critical. 

Common Errors

So how can we help you to fix this? By correcting common errors. 

Have a scroll through any of your connections and see if the following is true: people tend to talk about themselves, to themselves. 

It goes like this: you’ve lazily uploaded your CV or job description, often leaving the visitor to spend time that they don’t have deciphering your information, trying to find out if you actually understand their needs, and whether you’re able to help them. 

In many cases, people will also put very limited content on their profile. What impression does this give? 

Well – that you can’t be bothered to fill it out, and that you’re not interested in doing so. If you can’t be trusted with little things, why would they pursue you for larger responsibilities?

10 seconds into their perusal of your profile, the timer runs out, and they’re gone. You’ve marked yourself as a liability. 

That potentially life-changing opportunity is gone…and you will never know you missed it. 

Are You Actually an All Star?


 “Well, hold on, Miles, you say that, but my profile’s got an All Star ranking!”

Job done?

Sorry, no. Let me explain. Some of the worst profiles I have reviewed qualify as All Star. At its core, this is a box-ticking exercise. It gives you no real rating on your profile content whatsoever.

Credibility, Trust, and Albert

Albert Einstein said:

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. 

We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

Our intuitive mind is running the show. Actions are largely based on our intuitive ‘gut’ feeling. 

When we research on LinkedIn, there are two factors to consider: the rational mind and the intuitive mind. 

The intuitive mind is constantly on duty. It’s assessing everything, asking questions, trying to ascertain if someone is credible, authentic, trustworthy, ethical? In essence, it’s asking: “are you worth my time?” 

With this in mind, what message is your profile communicating that will satisfy your audience’s intuitive instinct?

The rational mind reviews the hard facts – what is, or isn’t there. 

Think of your profile as a transmitter, and everyone else has a radar that receives the messages you’re sending. Whether they want to or not, they will be picking up your signal, trying to lock onto you and what you offer. 

When you’re transmitting messages all the time – make sure they’re things you actually want to be sending. 

Baked Bean Branding – Essential for 81% of Buyers

You’ve got a craving for beans on toast. You head down to your local shop to buy a tin, and wander down the aisle looking for the best tin of beans. 

When you think about the labels on a tin of beans, they appeal to your needs and wants, don’t they?

The front side – the side that should face out into the aisle – of the tin has an appetising photo, an eye-catching colour. These are the visual aspects that attract the intuitive mind. 

The rational mind also needs the other side of the tin: the essential information on the ingredients, nutrients, best-by date, and more.  

When it comes to the tin of beans that is your LinkedIn profile, far too many people have the reverse label facing the audience. Too many self-referencing facts, not enough attraction for others. 

Are you one of them?

81% of buyers are more likely to engage with a solid strong brand that is aligned


Your LinkedIn Litmus Test 

Here at LinkedIn Success Systems, we’ve designed a profile strength test. Just one minute of your time is needed – and we’ll email you your results directly. 

Click this link to take the test

Is my profile a asset or a liability test

Do you ever find yourself asking “How can it be that my profile is rated as “All Star”, but it still isn’t giving me the results I want?”

The point of this exercise is to help you think critically about your profile, and how it comes across to your target market, helping you to better match their expectations.

Quick Fixes for Success

Your LinkedIn profile should be aligned to your target audience, optimised for searches, and attract engagement on and off the platform.

There are 8 Quick Fixes that we’ve compiled to help you make your profile an asset, not a liability. 

These minor changes can be carried out easily, and can even elevate you to the top tier of LinkedIn.

You’ll appeal to the intuitive mind whilst satisfying the requirements of the rational one, showcasing yourself as the credible, authentic professional you know yourself to be.

And when you’ve done that? The magic begins to unfold.

If you would like a copy of our 8 Quick Fixes to your LinkedIn Profile come to our next free LinkedIn learning session

Book your place on our next FREE LinkedIn Learning session;

Miles Duncan (founder)

Large team LinkedIn training service – online and in-line programs

Creators of LinkedIn white label customised eLearning platforms (SaaS)

Training for individuals & small teams

Please connect with me on LinkedIn

Book your place on our next FREE LinkedIn Learning session;