A live 2.5hr online (certified) LinkedIn company page training course. Driving visibility and prospects to your products and services.
This course is £449
Generate prospects
Attracted thousands of engaged followers
Orchestrate thought leadership & write copy
Showcase your expertise
Build your reputation
Accelerate your visibility
Display a magnetic employer brand that attracts and retains first class talent
Drive traffic to your website
LinkedIn has 800+ million members – 40% visit LinkedIn everyday.

Every business needs an effective company page on LinkedIn
Learn the 12 steps to having a high-performance company page.

Company Page vs Website: You need both
You can’t follow a website – but you can follow a dynamic interactive company page.

Size does not matter
It’s an ‘expected’ part of your digital presence and can often be the first point of contact before your website and LinkedIn profile.

There is a BIG problem
Most have a very poor company page (or none)
This is costing you prospects, referrals, reputational damage, audience disconnect and talent migration

Company page success
Optimised and indexed for Google, attracting and retaining a massive follower audience that has a reason to follow you. Qualifying prospects, whilst you educate a loyal audience on your value propositions, whilst building go to status visibility
“It’s a very effective communication channel, that grows your visibility and be the recognised go to resource in your sector.

Miles Duncan, Founder
When I started using LinkedIn just after it launched in 2003, I didn’t pay much attention to company pages. Why put another obstacle in the way of generating traffic to my website?
Fast forward 17 years. They are crucial part of your business growth and employer brand
Companies and individuals can transform their business with an effective company page
Learn how to communicate your brand story and how it resonates with your target audience and builds THEIR business
Watch your followers grow and prospects self-select you
60% of traffic to my website comes from LinkedIn
This course is £449
Miles offered me real insight in the development of our company page on LinkedIn. Our training unravelled the mysteries of optimising content to reach well beyond our core audience of followers. I now have a measurable plan in place to improve the timing, images and effectiveness of our company posts. Highly recommended.

Paul Gray
Marketing Manager
SVL Business Solutions
I can easily recommend all of Miles’ LinkedIn training. We’ve been able to drive awareness of our team and company as well as using the platform to fill events and push sales initiatives with real success.. Everything is explained in a clear and logical way. Like all good training, there’s a heady mix of the blindingly obvious that’s often easily overlooked and really clever insight. A great investment.

Andy Moloney
Commercial Manager
Grant McGregor
The team found the training from Miles of real value. He took us right back to basics to identify what we wanted to achieve from LinkedIn and how this would support the company strategy before we moved onto our company page design and content. It was useful to understand how we could squeeze as much value from each article as possible via the platform. We would recommend this training to anyone looking to grow their company LinkedIn presence amongst the right target audience for their business.

Vicky Thomas
Marketing Manager
Vert Technologies
University of Stirling Venues had the pleasure of working with Miles Duncan in 2019. On the back of a company rebrand, his advice and expertise were invaluable as we sought to improve our brand reputation through a more consistent and attractive visual message. Crucially however, Miles takes into account the importance of understanding your audience, your brand personality too. We look forward to working with Miles in the future.

Karen Nichol
Marketing Manager
University of Stirling Venues
It’s been a pleasure to work with Miles, to ensure we gain the most out of our company pages. Miles has helped us to streamline our pages and to understand what the true gains are from our corporate presence on the social media platform LinkedIn. His knowledge and online guidance have been very valuable in allowing us to take a big leap forward. I look forwarding forward to expand on this over the coming year with Miles.

Alison Hall
Commercial & Marketing Manager
Forth Ports
Being trained on the various features of company pages and the strategies for implementation by Miles last year has really enabled our team to maximise the potential of our LinkedIn pages. The training was delivered in manageable sections with Miles always on hand to answer any questions, no matter how trivial they may seem. This training is invaluable.

Sarah Harris
Membership & Conference Coordinator
Scottish Association of Landlords
Here is exactly what you get
This is a 2.5hr training program with Miles Duncan.
You need no digital skills for this course.

1 Your company page strategy
You need to be in pursuit of a goal to have success on LinkedIn

2 The B2B Success Systems
Flywheel. Why company pages are so important in the LinkedIn flywheel

3 How to set up a company page
Visual elements; background image, company logo, headline, tagline, overview, hashtags and Google optimisation

4 Audience segmentation options; subpages & affiliates
You may need to build different audiences
5 Follower acquisition & communication strategies
Generate followers by implementing strategies that work
6 Employer brand
Employer reputation, branding, talent acquisition, retention, culture & recognition
7 Objective based content strategy and how to build a content library
Content that hooks your audience
8 Content scheduling
Posting content (manual and automated)
9 A simple guide to writing content & headlines
Use this killer formula and you will find content writing super easy, quick and effective
10 Content Plus +
Clever content that can be used multiple times
11 Campaign Manager (LinkedIn paid for advertising)
Boosting your content and follower acquisition strategies with missile accuracy
12 Company page analytics
Making sense of the analytics and what to do next
All this for only £449
All participates will get access to the B2B Success Systems company page eLearning platform. Containing the complete end to end course, supplemented with downloadable PDFs, template and guides and videos.
You also get a video and audio recording of the webinar.
You will also receive our B2B Success Systems certificate.

This course will grow your business
What is one new client worth to you?
I would wager it is far more than £449…
You’re at the point of decision…
You can either continue down the path of least resistance – the path you have already been travelling – or choose the road less travelled. The path of least resistance will probably continue to give you the same results.
But if you want something different to happen, if you want to change the direction of your business, you’re going to have to do something different.

Risk Removal
If for any reason my Company Page course, training and eLearning does not hit the mark for you – your investment will be returned immediately.