In my LinkedIn workshops I am still surprised to find that while many attendees have individual profiles, the company they represent does not have any presence whatsoever. In my view, these companies are not simply missing a trick, they’re missing a veritable bag of tricks. Business is passing them by in favour of rivals that give prospective clients the information they require. Prospects find out what the company does and who works there, which are all things that are usually not on a company’s main website. Also it offers someone to follow your company, yet not be connected to an individual.

Learn How to Leverage LinkedIn’s Reach

Learning to leverage the rich and powerful tools of LinkedIn can put your organisation at a considerable advantage over your competitors who either lack a profile entirely, or fail to understand how to use it properly. However, the main reason LinkedIn is underutilised is because you need to learn how to use it.

Full Profiles Improve PerceptionLinkedIn workshops

Putting your company on LinkedIn means you must be all in. Companies that have profiles that lack full connection to their employees can attract a negative perception: is your leadership lacking or does your company fail to understand digital media?

First Impressions Always Count

Today, it is likely first encounter an individual will have with your company will be online and the employees, complete with the company culture, need to shine through. Visitors want to see good peer to peer relationships and beyond the standard metrics of salary and benefits. The benefits are backed up by research that show significant boosts to a company’s sales and ability to attract the very best in new hires.

LinkedIn workshops

Adding Followers, Communicating Clearly

Adding your company to LinkedIn not only advertises to potential hires, but prospective clients too. The better your profile, the more followers you will attract, which boosts visibility both on LinkedIn and on Google searches where people are likely to find you first. Anything your company shares—and you should share—on LinkedIn gets boosted by the number of followers you have, effectively creating an on-brand and on-message new channel. LinkedIn allows you to establish trust and credibility; don’t assume that anyone knows the great work you do, make an effort to show them and let it shine in the sun.LinkedIn workshops

Exercise thought leadership and demonstrate that you lead the industry and sector in knowledge and expertise, and show that your company is a great place both to work for and do business with.

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miles-02Miles Duncan, CEO & Founder of the LinkedIn Success Systems

A unique and effective business development system that shows you how to use LinkedIn.