The 3rd Polish ScThe 3rd Polish Scottish Business Forum was held in Edinburgh on the 23rd November and I was honoured to be invited as a guest speaker. While the event may only be in it’s 3rd year, it is growing in popularity amongst the budding Polish and Scottish entrepreneurs who are looking to take advantage of the growing market for new businesses in both Scotland and Poland. LinkedIn training in Edinburgh as well as across the ocean could benefit businesses enormously in this regard.
The event itself was sponsored by big names such as the Royal Bank of Scotland and WorldPay and attended by a range of speakers and great business mind all looking to share experience and knowledge in order to help grow young Polish businesses in Scotland and at home in Poland.
The event was a variable mix of talks, discussions, practical seminars and the end of the day gave businesses the chance to network and make valuable new connections. It was wonderful to be a part of such an energetic conference and watching business owners using the skills I spoke about in my own talk about LinkedIn training, to make meaningful connections during the networking portion of the event.
Of course, we couldn’t fully escape the elephant in the room that is Brexit, but a positive light was cast on Britain leaving the European Union with plenty of opportunities for Scottish businesses to trade with the booming Polish economy and many, including myself, were left with a renewed hope for small businesses in the post-Brexit economy.
The next complimentary sessions are at The Dome (Edinburgh) on 22nd February and Citizen M (Glasgow) on 21st February 2018
Register now through our events page page to reserve your seat(s) these events are normally over-subscribed with a waiting list.
Miles Duncan
CEO & Founder, LinkedIn Success Systems
Please connect with me and extend you digital reach HERE
LinkedIn Success Systems are business development systems for business growth and brand building. Designed for businesses of all sizes – all sectors – by business development experts. A combination of 30 years’ experience and many, many clients has perfected these systems.
LinkedIn Success Systems is in no way associated with LinkedIn Corp. We are a third-party organisation helping companies and individuals to improve their performance of using LinkedIn through online training and face-to- face coaching. All trademarks recognised