A large portion of LinkedIn Success Systems’ referrals are through their own clients, and when Edinburgh Legal Firm Boyd Solicitors invited me to run a LinkedIn Course at their Edinburgh premises, they had the foresight to invite their own LinkedIn followers along to help them boost their own profiles online.


Miles Duncan, from LinkedIn Success Systems delivered the LinkedIn training on the eve of 23rd March at Boyds’ HQ, speaking to delegates from Boyds themselves, and some of their LinkedIn followers, to deliver what was described as a


‘fast paced workshop with plenty of practical take home advice on adding value to your LinkedIn page’


Within the LinkedIn training in Edinburgh, Miles offered actionable advice on subjects such as why your LinkedIn profile matters, how you can use LinkedIn as a powerful business development tool, and how to boost visibility on LinkedIn, by optimising your profile for better searchability. The LinkedIn course covered a range of other tips and tricks to building a successful business development system from LinkedIn and delegates were provided with a publication detailing a raft of information relevant to bringing them LinkedIn success.


Solidifying their connections with their LinkedIn followers by providing a LinkedIn course of real value is sure to have strengthened their connection with their followers, and will no doubt bring only good things for Boyds. If you’d like to arrange LinkedIn training in Glasgow or Edinburgh with the same benefits in mind, why not contact us today to book your slot?

LinkedIn Success Systems are also running Profile Build workshops – you can book your place here.