The LinkedIn training masterclass that took place in Edinburgh recently really hit the spot with delegates who are keen to maximise the impact of their business on LinkedIn. Joy Lewis, Chief Executive of AAI Talent, thought the course was great and felt she really benefited from the information imparted during our LinkedIn training. She is keen to recommend us to her peers for one of our future LinkedIn courses. This LinkedIn Course in Edinburgh will be running again, but we are usually oversubscribed so book early! We also run alternative LinkedIn courses in Glasgow if that location is more convenient.
For those who are whether they’d benefit from a LinkedIn training course, we’d like to share a few key facts on how attending a LinkedIn course could really boost your business:
- Did you know that a massive 90% of decision makers don’t respond to cold calls? They are much more likely to respond to relationship builders who nurture the business ‘relationship’ and bring value to it.
- 75% of people who purchase your products and services will use digital media to find out about you and what you offer. To stay on top of your game you need a first-class active digital presence.
- Did you know that buyers will be 57% of their way through the buying process before they contact you? They know what they want. Your task is to be visible and at the forefront of their mind.
- Buying decisions are taken, on average, by 5.4 people. To be a successful salesperson you need to identify the circle of influence and address their concerns directly.
- These days the first introduction to you and your business is likely to be digital. It’s immensely important that profiles create a good first impression. Does yours?
Through LinkedIn training courses, we could show you how to harness the power of the LinkedIn platform to boost your profile and build great leads that are sure to lead to future sales opportunities. Can you afford to miss out?
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