Really enjoyed running a LinkedIn training session at the Forth Valley Chamber of Commerce last week.

A load of value and learning for more LinkedIn cadets about how they can benefit from using LinkedIn as a business development tool.

The platform of LinkedIn is often misunderstood, but with the right training can massively benefit your business, starting with the individuals who make up the team. Through LinkedIn training in Glasgow, Edinburgh and across the globe, we have helped corporates and SMEs, from teams of 2 to several hundred make an impact through their use of the platform. We always ensure that our LinkedIn training is tailored to the needs of delegates attending each specific LinkedIn course.

Former LinkedIn Success Systems apprentice Matt Hemming, Regional Sales Director of Angel Waterlogic, fed back to us that master class training “left my sales team motivated about the potential opportunities that could be gained” – and It goes without saying that could do the same for your team.

That motivation comes from a greater ability to do their job well thanks to a better understanding of the tools that LinkedIn offers.

Teams and individuals benefit from functions that allow them to win new clients more easily thanks to greater visibility and awareness, and then retain them. Referral networks are vast, relevant and there for the taking. Sales teams become familiar with the process of incorporating business development into their daily routine, the result of which is a thriving business.

Empowering your team will benefit the business a whole. Teams that work together drive growth and retention. Don’t forget; as one you can go faster but as a team you go further, so why not sign up for LinkedIn courses in Glasgow, Edinburgh, or wherever your business is based, and take advantage of the huge opportunities open to you on LinkedIn.