“Lawyers would benefit most from learning how to use LinkedIn,” Miles Duncan stated during his recent presentation at the United Employment Law event in Edinburgh.

Miles told the delegates, at the event in the Signet Library in Edinburgh, that LinkedIn can really help lawyers and solicitors to grow their business and expert status but he revealed that many have been slow to embrace the online networking platform.

Miles explained: “LinkedIn is perfect for lawyers, as it allows them to keep in contact with their client base, make new connections without leaving the office and grow their ‘go to’ status. However, they need to invest in themselves to get the training needed to make best use of LinkedIn.

“Law firms have been slow to recognise the immense power LinkedIn offers to help them to secure and grow their business.”

He told the delegates that there are massive opportunities for lawyers who will learn how to use the online networking platform as a business development tool.

Miles added: “LinkedIn is really optimised to help professional services and lawyers, as people are actively searching for their expertise and specialised skill set and it has tools that allow them to grow their business in the margins of the working day.”

LinkedIn Success Blueprint would like to thank United Employment Lawyers for inviting Miles and Dave to their event.

LinkedIn for lawyers: Click here if you would like to learn more about how we can help you to grow your law firm using LinkedIn.