Jeb Blount’s ‘Fanatical Prospecting’ really is a gold mine of knowledge for anyone looking to improve their sales figures or increase their marketing reach and connections – even though I deliver LinkedIn training in Edinburgh and across the globe – I am always learning and Jeb’s view on sales is extremely interesting. In the chapter ‘Know your numbers’, Jeb looks at how important it is to keep track of your own sales or prospecting figures to improve your performance.

Jeb notes that there has been a trend of people in sales or marketing who believe that thinking of sales as a numbers game is “old-school thinking” but he believes that, the numbers are really the science of sales. Jeb gives the elite athlete as a fine example of how knowing your numbers can help to increase performance. All elite athletes will be able to reel off their latest statistics regarding their own performance; their season average, personal best and so on. Knowing their stats allows them to evaluate their performance in the quest to achieve peak performance.

Elite sales and marketing experts work in the same manner, as I will often tell delegates at my LinkedIn training courses. Keeping a record of your calls, contacts, emails, responses, appointments and sales is vital for you to be able to evaluate your own performance and make the adjustments needed to reach your own peak performance.

Jeb writes that successful sales and marketing relies on the perfect balance of efficiency and effectiveness; how much activity you are generating and the outcome of that activity. It is no good making 100 calls and contacts if they result in no appointments and similarly, making 2 sales out of 10 calls is no good if they took you the same amount of time as making the 100 calls.

In summary; Jeb outlines the importance of keeping track of your numbers as it will help you to achieve the ideal balance of efficiency and effectiveness needed for peak sales and marketing performance.

The next complimentary sessions are at The Dome (Edinburgh) on 22nd February and Citizen M (Glasgow) on 21st February 2018

Register now through our events page page to reserve your seat(s) these events are normally over-subscribed with a waiting list.

Miles Duncan

CEO & Founder, LinkedIn Success Systems

Please connect with me and extend you digital reach HERE

LinkedIn Success Systems are business development systems for business growth and brand building. Designed for businesses of all sizes – all sectors – by business development experts. A combination of 30 years’ experience and many, many clients has perfected these systems.

LinkedIn Success Systems is in no way associated with LinkedIn Corp. We are a third-party organisation helping companies and individuals to improve their performance of using LinkedIn through online training and face-to- face coaching. All trademarks recognised