Another successful evening of LinkedIn learning was held in Brighton. Attendees picked up tips on how to use LinkedIn successfully for business development and marketing and are now better placed to achieve consistent success in using the platform to gain new clients, retain existing ones and become the “go to” expert.

Several questions were raised about how to connect with the right people and then building a strong relationship with them.

Lester replied – Behave Online as you would Offline.

Once you have found the right person and successfully connected with a personalised invitation request then don’t blow it by behaving unprofessionally on LinkedIn.

Be active and have a strategy for how you build your relationships and demonstrate that you are the “go to person”. Post articles that your connections will be interested in and don’t make it all about you or you risk being “switched off” and may never know about it.

Be genuine when you like, comment and share the articles your connections post and don’t be shy in asking for referrals and introductions when appropriate.

Remember that LinkedIn isn’t the answer to everything and it is still good to pick up the phone and call people!

Come to one of our FREE events and learn how to use LinkedIn for Business Development and Marketing View events HERE

Lester Young
Associate Partner, LinkedIn Success Systems

Please connect with me and extend you digital reach HERE

LinkedIn Success Systems are business development systems for business growth and brand building. Designed for businesses of all sizes – all sectors – by business development experts. A combination of 30 years’ experience and many, many clients has perfected these systems.